

DirectDraw 或Direct3D 選項無法使用

您的電腦不符合執行遊戲的最低3D 硬體需求。 視訊卡沒有足夠的視訊記憶體來執行遊戲。 DirectDraw 加速已停用。

Error when playing a game

2015年8月3日 — Someone please help me! Error message: could not reset the direct3d device. PS. I'm running on Windows 10 64-bit.

Failed resetting Direct3d device objects? :

Third: Move the game window up and left until the small border disappears. Move it back one step so the small border only just shows. ... Fourth: Exit game.

Failed to initialize Direct3D [Fixed]

Graphics card driver issues can cause the failed to initialize Direct3D issue. If the video driver in your computer is missing or out of date, it can result in ...


2014年8月15日 — 1.The D3D device has a non-zero reference count, meaning some objects were not released. 2.Failed resetting Direct3D device objects. 3 ...

